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    How do you reduce the wear and tear of the bending center

    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-7-10    本文被閱讀 963 次
    導(dǎo)讀:Bending center in the middle of the institutions have a close, two head free to move in a particular orbit, if big load job would aggravate the wear, how to reduce wear CNC bending cente

    How do you reduce the wear and tear of the bending center

    How do you reduce the wear and tear of the bending center

    Bending center in the middle of the institutions have a close, two head free to move in a particular orbit, if big load job would aggravate the wear, how to reduce wear CNC bending center?

    1. When using the bending center of steel bar, it is recommended that you do not overload your homework, so you must control the working time and do your homework within the permitted scope of the equipment.

    2. The personnel operating the CNC steel bending center need to master the operation flow of the equipment, and do not show operators who do not understand the performance of the equipment, which can easily be misoperated.

    3. When using the bending center of the steel bar, do not work too long at the same time, nor do not operate the equipment for a long time.

    How do you reduce the wear and tear of the bending center
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